Best UAZ 452 Interior Images: Stunning Design of the Russian Van

Best UAZ 452 Images

Welcome On Board

UAZ 452 is famous Russian 4x4 van that is still widely spread in the Russian countryside. Cheap and good car, a lot of people still use it in their life.

We checked very popular Russian website where people sell their old cars to find some interior pearls. Hope, they will help you to understand how life in Russia still looks like!

Let's start from this amazing linoleum. Cheap and funny-coloured, it was designed to perfectly fit into the any UAZ can! Sorry, I mean, van.


Linoleum is nothing without the warm blanket! Don't forget, we do not talk about Indians that lives under the hot sun. We are talking about Russia, the country with 75% of territory with permafrost!


There two blankets on the photo... First covers the driver's sear to make it warmer when you just get into the cold car with ecoleather seat (do not forget about -20C degrees outside...) Second blanket is perfect to cover the noisy engine. Without it, it's not easy to hear person who sears at the passanger seat. Or police officer who stopped you to check van's technical condition ;)

Soviet military van interior
UAZ interior

UAZ 452 is a perfect van for hunters and fishermen. It seems that wild boar hide is even better that the normal blanket! Greenpiece-approved (actually, not...)


UAZ 452 is a perfect example of a Soviet-style tin can. It is rough like it was hand-made by Neanderthal from available materials. Usually, that's OK, but some people use modern matersials to upgrade UAZ a little bit. For example, how about the custom computer for playing the magic music?

Unfotunately, UAZ is little bit noisy... Actually, when our UAZ crossed a speed bump, we heard a sound as if millions of metal pots took off and then loudly hit the ground! So if you want your passanger to listen to your amazing music, too, you needed to pump your acustic ride. Can you see the stereo system on the second photo? Perfect example of "Russian savvy"!

UAZ 452 upgrade
UAZ 452 audiosystem
Land UAZ

Have you ever wanted (in your childhood, of course) to be a bus driver? UAZ gives you this amazing possibility! Nice horizontal wheel without the power steering. Mmm, divine experience!


However, some people do not sense the life so delicate. Some of them wanted to buy another car as well. What to do? Just customize your wheel buying the new one from the favorite brand! 

PS. Get it? UAZ is all about customization!

We have told you about the winter... However, Russia is famous for its summer, too! Hot and short. Amazing! Should I say that our divine van has no air conditioner?


Pffff, not a challenge at all. Just enjoy the chill wind after buying a fancy fan at Alixpress in winter (it taked several months for Russian post to find your exact location...)

UAZ 452 air conditioner
UAZ 452 carpet

Life in Russia is IMPOSSIBLE withour carpets. Even 20 years ago, every single Russian had its own carpet hanging on the wall. It made the wall warm and flat. You can hide even large hole in your wallpapers.

Still, may photos of people are made with the carpet background. Just google it.


UAZ drivers couldn't stand and used them to make UAZ interior nice and cozy. I will tell you the truth. Our amazing van has it, too!

UAZ 452 is a perfect van, but sometimes it's reliable as Trump's promises. "So why not to take some details?" - thought one of savvy Russian one day? After thinking a little bit more, he took the whole engine.


Strange but passangers rarely like sharing the cabin with the second engine. What to do? Once, we thought about taking the second UAZ as a donor!

Actually, UAZ is good for travelling in post-soviet countries. You can find details and UAZ autoservices in every small town.

UAZ 452 engine
UAZ 452 cabin

How people use UAZ 452? It's a shed on the wheels! You can carry a lot of staff from one village to another. But often you carry other people. UAZ is a normal commercial car for shift teams and other workers.


Imagine, you are in the middle of nowhere without roads and road police and you need to drive for many many hours. What to do? Customize the van into the home! Just add some blankets, carpet and linoleum and let the people inside!

Another design of the UAZ interior... it's perfectly suits several people sitting and chatting with each other while their staff is well stored under their seats.


Can you see a jerry can in the cabin? It's a must have for the remote countryside roads. Russia is huge and low-populated. You may drive for hundren kilometers without any gas station even between Moscow and Europe.The quality of gasoline and especially diesel maybe not good at all.

UAZ 452 cabin for passangers
Old UAZ 452 cabin

Just to find the difference... It's a general joke that UAZ 452 vans become out-dated being released from the factory. However, some UAZ vans are REALLY old.


Just look at this van... Plywood on the floor and seats, a wire at the backdoor. It's a normal condition of 10+ years old UAZ. Sometimes I think that half of the country move by such kind of vehicles. GAZ 66, URAL... they all look the same.

Another option of UAZ car. Just take a full-size sofa or bed with you! Don't forget a vacuum cleaner just to frighten bears and a blanket on the side door. Once, we drove many thousands kilometers with the IKEA single bed. Very comfortable!


Look at the date of this photo. 1 March of 2019... 21 century! High technologies, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles, UAZ. Just cross the wrong word off!

Old UAZ 452 interior with bed
Luxury UAZ 452 interior

Well, some people use UAZ van as it was released, but other people invest... no, waste money on its upgrades. Sometimes, you need to spend the price of the new van to make something good from it.


Here's a perfect example of "Luxury" UAZ van. Minibar with a latch, some beer glasses and comfortable seats.

We have found several boring interior examples, but we forgot them immediately seeing this... Enjoy!

UAZ 452 luxury inside

Yo! And let the UAZ force be with you!