Videos of Our Adventures in the Real Russia

Off-roading in a Soviet van

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Adventure tour in Moscow

Do you find the boring guides who wander the million-times-beaten tracks spouting numerous confusing and insignificant facts about Yuri-who-is-that-guy-Dolgoruky? You have come to the right place!
We do rare and extraordinary tours with a highly personal touch at the most affordable prices. Check us out… see for yourself! With us you will discover places bus tours can never reach at a pace to suit you. Make your Russian holidays unforgettable and... Travel the real Russia in our Adventure tour!

An Epic off-road festival

During the first five days in November, we traveled to Chukhloma for the Off-Road Festival. OK! OK! I know you will have a lot of questions like... What is a Chukhloma, where is Chukhloma, why Chukhloma, what is off-road, and why do you call this a festival or an adventure?
Just so you know, right from the start, Chukhloma is a town a serious distance north of Moscow. There is a town and also there is a lake. They are both named Chukhloma. Maybe they named the town after the lake or the lake after the town. I’m not sure. One thing for sure… there is no McDonalds in Chukhloma!
Just find the full story here And don't forget to share it!
Total Chukhloma 2018

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Off-roading in Moscow

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Off-roading in Moscow

When the snowstorm turned Moscow road into the off-roads. Just a typical spring in Russia...

Dog sledding at the Husky Shelter

Do you like good deeds? Our friend not only like, she does right things! Being in love with husky, she established a Dog Shelter where she adopts dogs from everywhere, take care of them and then find the new owners. YOU might be the one of them!
What's more, she organizes dog sledding in the winter and trekking in the summer for a very affordable price. We've been there this January and shot this amazing video.
Check out, share and let the good things happen!
Dog sledding at the Husky Shelter

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Wild river crossing in UAZ 452 van

We travel great distances deep into the unexplored forests of the Russia. Sometimes there are no clearly marked maps... just goat paths or rabbit trails. We can only pray that these trails are still frozen, otherwise, the mud and ruts become deep and enormously challenging.
There are many rivers that jump into our path. Some are deep and some not ... some are wide and slow moving and others are narrow and fast moving. It's easy to get swept away if you are not careful.
The secret to this travel is to find a good place to cross... someplace that's not too deep, with a somewhat level surface, and hopefully, there is an easy way in and out... sometimes not.
This driving is not for the faint of heart! It takes nerves of steel, a lot of experience, and you need to be a bit crazy. Watch this video... you'll see!
Ice Climbing in the Soviet UAZ 452 van

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