Moscow Private Tours: Walking Tours With a Local Guide


Looking for a friendly guide? Check one of our Moscow Private Tours.

We customize tours for your wishes. You meet the guide and spend first 15 minutes planning the day.

Choose your main interest and contact us:

>> Must-See Moscow

>> Soviet Moscow

>> Local Life in Moscow

Duration: from 4 hours till 3 days


With Moscow's long and exciting history, it's no surprise that there are amazing landmarks scattered all across the city. Whether you're looking to visit medieval churches, historic houses, monumental skyscrapers, cathedrals and more, there are plenty of landmark destinations to visit when you're in Moscow.

Why do you need a private guide in Moscow?

There are also many small but special places that you may miss without the help of a local guide. We are organizing both traditional and unique walking tours.

Based on your requirements, your Moscow tour guide will design the right itinerary to make your trip special. Our guides are friendly and knowledgeable locals never boring you with facts :)

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Tony Terentev, private tour guide in Moscow

About Our Private Guides

Are you the first time in Moscow waiting for a memorable experience? You’ve heard about Moscow and know that it’s impressive, but do not know how to make the first step? Walk with an interesting local companion could be a great option for you!

Private tour in Moscow is not about following a strict plan of the tour... we customize our private tours for every single traveler. People are so different... So we will spend extra 15 minutes discussing your expectations and wishes. Together, we will choose the best route customized just for you!

We do not have any special itinerary around the same must-see attractions... but we have amazing guides! Do you find the boring to hear many insignificant facts about Yuri-who-is-that-guy-Dolgoruky? You have come to the right place!

Our guides are the main highlight of the tour! They are friendly locals with a good sense of humor, who are not afraid to discuss hot topics. Politics, religion, mentality... why not, if this helps you to understand so complex and contradicting country as Russia?



<span style="font-weight: bold;">MUST-SEE MOSCOW </span><br>

Spend your first day in Moscow walking its historical and cultural center.

You will experience the city while visiting the Moscow landmarks in good company!

<span style="font-weight: bold;">BACK IN USSR</span><br>

Discover the Soviet Heritage and its impact on modern Russia: Stalin’s repressions, the Cold War, “perestroika”...

The tour is perfect for history fans, you will learn a lot of about USSR and why modern Russia inherited a lot of its features.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">LOCAL LIFE</span><br>

Driving around the city is an opportunity to see the main Moscow attractions regardless of the weather. It is also perfect for those who want to make the most of their time in Moscow!

We may visit not only traditional attractions in Moscow but also some less popular places to make your trip unforgettable.

Price is the same for every tour option


<span style="font-weight: bold;">WALKING TOUR <br></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">MINIVAN TOUR</span><br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">SOVIET VAN TOUR</span><br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">NIGHT TOUR<br></span>


My wife and friend and I went on a tour with Tony of Moscow’s main sites and the metro. It was a lot of fun, and felt like a good friend showing us around his hometown. We had a blast seeing Moscow from a bunch of fun and in some cases weird angles (I won’t give away any of his stops) and it make it feel a lot like a hidden tour of sorts. Anyways, do this tour if you want to have an authentic day with a friendly and funny guy who will teach you about Russia in a fun way that doesn’t feel like a history lesson or “typical” guided tour.
I was lucky enough to travel with Tony in February this year on a 2 day city tour covering Moscow.He took us to all the main attractions, was super friendly and helpful, and showed us places that we would never have experienced on our own.Highly recommend traveling in his awesome van for a day, and checking out the food market!

Moscow Private Tours: Choose and Customize Your Own Tour

To provide the best experience, we should know your wishes and expectations. Every walking tour is private, customizable, and flexible. Yet, we have three main options that fit our typical customer wishes. Please look through them to choose the best option for you! Then we will update the itinerary according to your special interests.


Must-See Moscow Walking Tour

During the tour, we will visit the most popular attractions in Moscow. What’s even more important, the guide will introduce the city. You will learn how people live here and what is their mentality. 

Russia is difficult to understand... But, we will do our best to explain to you its main features during your 1st day in Moscow. 

The guide will pick you up at the hotel and go with you to the heart of Moscow. You will stroll in Aleksandrovsky garden and walk in the Red Square. We will tell you stories of Lenin Mausoleum, GUM, State Historical Museum and St. Basil’s Cathedral. You will see a change of the guards near the Tomb of Unknown Soldier. 

We may also go inside the Kremlin Walls (optionable). The Kremlin is the most known symbol of Russia... The President of Russia still works inside the Kremlin walls. We will visit Uspensky Sobor, enjoy exhibits of the Diamond Fund and walk in the Armory chamber.

You will learn about the political and economic structure of Russia and how it was changing through the centuries. 

In the evening, the guide will help you choose a good restaurant for dinner. If you need, he will also help with planning your evening activities.

Moscow must-see tour

Soviet Moscow Walking Tour

During the tour, you will get a deeper insight into the USSR influence on modern life in Russia. 

You will discover the Soviet Heritage and its impact on modern Russia: Stalin’s repressions, the Cold War, “perestroika”... 

The guide will pick you up from the hotel in the morning. We will walk around the KGB headquarters and the famous grocery store “Eliseevsky”. Then, you will visit the skyscrapers of Stalin’s epoch. I will show you the Moscow University, a beautiful skyscraper with the amazing panoramic view to Vorobiyovy Hills. 

We may also walk in Victory Park to see some historical tanks and airplanes of that time and WWII monuments. 

In the evening, the guide will show you amazing authentic “Cheburechnaya” bar that looks like it is still 1988... You will learn how to drink vodka for 50 cents! Amazing place to start the real pub crawl. 

The tour is perfect for history fans. You will learn a lot about the USSR and why modern Russia inherited a lot of its features.

Moscow Back in USSR tour

Local Life Moscow Tour

This day you will learn what is the real Moscow! Moscow is the hometown of almost 20 millions of people spending their everyday life out of the city center. We will follow their paths to see some authentic non-touristy sites. 

First, I will pick you up from the hotel to visit the last village of Moscow. We will wander along with wooden houses, the last heritage of remote times. Then we will visit the industrial area to see the everyday life of their workers. We will also look at the modern construction in the backyard of Moscow Skyline. 

Then we will drive to the Round House, a strange masterpiece of Soviet architecture. We will wander along the typical five-block houses to discuss the Soviet engineers and their creativity. 

Then we will go to the local market to grab food. Only 30 years ago, such markets were central places to buy products. 

Then we will take the train of the Moscow Circle Railroad to gaze at the «Moscow rusty belt» from the comfortable train. 

Finally, we will spend 5-10 minutes in a Soviet drinking place. It is not a tourist but an ugly place with vodka for 30 rub/50 ml. The pure face of 1980-s in the USSR.

Moscow Local Life Tour

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<span style="font-weight: bold;">Non-Touristy Moscow Tour<br></span>
Non-Touristy Moscow Tour

During the tour, we will escape the bustling center of Moscow to explore the ordinary life of people in the «rusty belt of Moscow». I will show you many pieces of the local life that will give you the complete picture of the Real Moscow at the end of the tour.

We will visit areas that are perfect to represent how Russian epochs have followed one another. Many years ago, the place was a far suburb of Moscow full of wooden houses. Then industrial revolution came to change cozy houses into the factories. USSR worsen the situation, turning whole area into the industrial zones of heavy machinery. Many years after, sleeping districts grew there to give a place to a new generation of Soviet people. Then Moscow became so huge, that such a godforsaken area suddenly turned into the very valuable land with a modern apartment complexes raising here and there out of nothing.

Duration: 4-8 hours
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Adventure Tour<br></span>
Adventure Tour
This is a very unique off-road Russian minivan with sturdy axles, solid frames and a robustness built into everything. This vehicle was designed in the 1950s as a support vehicle for military forces. It is still being produced today as it was sixty years ago… And, surprisingly, it looks almost like it did in 1965! Driving it on typical Russian mud road will make you feel like a real Russian!

For a second part of our adventure, you will visit a network of underground limestone caves with an experienced caver guide. Depending on your adventurism, you can either wander in some easily accessible and beautiful cavern halls or you can search the depths of remote parts and the most challenging kilometers of a lengthy underground network!

Finally, after a long day of exploring, you will have a lovely meal of our traditional food and enjoy a blazing campfire.

Duration: 8-12 hours

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